Project Manager
Arrived in Newport in 2000 to study at the then UWCN. Spent the best part of a decade going to Riverside, Murenger, Le Pub, TJ’s every Friday night - broken up with the occasional visit to the Hornblower.
FAVOURITE GIG MEMORY: Yumi Yumi, TJ’s, 25/11/03 I went to the cinema with a couple of friends for something to do on a Wednesday night. Got in for free because another friend was on box office. We left after 10 minutes. Waited 20 for a bus back into town and decided to drop into TJ’s. There was always a band on a Wednesday. I can't remember the support, we missed them anyway, but not long after we got there two Japanese women in boiler suits went on stage. They had a teddy bear on a drum machine and ripped through a really joyful pop-punk set. I’ve seen bigger bands and wilder gigs in Newport but I never forgot Yumi Yumi.
Award winning animation and documentary films Producer moved to Newport in 2009. Founded Newport Rock Collecting parent company Winding Snake Productions in 2011. Creator of Newport Heritage projects Newport Gun Girls and A Bird in a Cage and the creator and lead applicant of Newport Rock Collecting project application.
FAVOURITE GIG MEMORY: Future of the Left, TJ’s, 03/07/09 I’d see Future of the Left before and been to TJ’s and seen a few gigs in Newport but lived in Cardiff. It was a charity gig for St Davids Foundation. The support was Science Bastard, who I think arranged the gig, and Ninja Ninja. It was really full which was unusual at the time because TJ’s was close to the end even then, it closed about 8 months later. It was probably the last time I went there.